Welcome to Applied Statistics (LLO8180), Fall 2021

This is a supplementary page for Professor Hartigan’s section of LLO 8180 - Applied Statistics. Make sure you bookmark and check this page frequently for the most up-to-date files to use for live sessions and assignments. You should have R and RStudio installed prior to the first day of class. Instructions for installing/updating can be found here. Also, we’ve prepared a slide deck with helpful information for navigating and setting up R, which can be found here.

You can find the course syllabus here. Additionally, you can find a spreadsheet with all quiz/assignment due dates for the semester here - updated 9/29/21.

If you want to set up email alerts for updates/additions to this site, you can use the free version of a third-party program: Distill. The free version will check for updates every 6 hours and send you alerts. Note: this is a platform that is not owned by Vanderbilt or me and you should review their data privacy and security to ensure you are comfortable with their practices.

Live Session RStudio (.Rmd) Files

These are the RStudio files and datasets that we will use for our live session meetings each week. While you don’t have to run the code in advance of class, some of you might prefer to do so. I will upload all code at least 24 hours before our class meetings.

  1. Week 1 - Introduction Rmd File
  2. Week 2 - Summary/Descriptive Statistics Rmd File, Week2 Data File
  3. Week 3 - Normal Probabilities and Z-Scores Rmd File
  4. Week 4 - Normal Probabilities in Sampling Distributions
  5. Week 5 - Test Statistics and P-Values - UPDATED
  6. Week 6 - One-Sample t-test, OCD Data
  7. Week 7 - Two-Sample t-test, Calories Data, Grades Data
  8. Week 8 - Confidence Intervals for t-tests, Calories-char data, Calories-num data, Grades data, OCD data
  9. Week 9 - One-way ANOVA, Depression data
  10. Week 10 - Two-way ANOVA, Sleep data
  11. Week 11 - Correlations - updated 11/10/21, BYOD data, English data, Graduate data, PhD data
  12. Week 12 - Linear Regression, PhD data, Week 12 Slides with OLS
  13. Week 13 - Multiple Linear Regression, PhD data
  14. Week 14 - Chi Square, Grad data

Weekly Polling Questions (with answers)

Answers to in-class polling questions (updated after each class session).

Weekly Formula Slides


Each assignment (problem set) is worth 100 points. These should be uploaded to the async before live session on their given due date. All assignment submissions should include two files:

  1. Your .Rmd code file
  2. Your “knit” assignment file. The knit file can be an html, word, or pdf document (please choose one and do not submit it in multiple formats).

Note that you must upload BOTH files BEFORE you hit “submit” in the LMS; if you try to submit them one at a time, it will only allow you to upload one. I will not accept submissions via email (unless there are extenuating circumstances). Also, you are responsible for reviewing the files before uploading (check formatting, typos, output, etc.). Additionally, please be sure to review all instructions on the assignment pdf. There will be a penalty for submissions not meeting these requirements.

Files Due Date
Assignment 1 pdf, Assignmnet 1 .Rmd Starter, Student Survey Codebook, Student Survey Data, A1 points 09/08/21
Assignment 2 pdf, Assignment 2 .Rmd Starter, A2 points 09/22/21
Assignment 3 pdf, Assignment 3 .Rmd Starter, weights data, A3 points 10/13/21
Assignment 4 pdf, Assignment 4 .Rmd Starter, survey data, sleep data, A4 points 10/27/21
Assignment 5 pdf, Assignment 5 .Rmd Starter, survey data, behavior data, A5 points 11/10/21
Assignment 6 pdf, Assignment 6 .Rmd Starter, activity data, laptop data, A6 points 12/1/21
Assignment 7 pdf, Assignment 7 .Rmd Starter, blood pressure data, political data, A7 points 12/15/21

Additional Useful Files